
Sunday, February 21, 2010

vegetable cream soup

i've decided to join another food group recently.. called 'Masak Bareng', this is my first entry for their monthly event. this month's theme is soup and i actually want to try zuppa soup for my post, but i couldn't find any frozen puff pastry nearby so i cancelled using the pastry on top of the soup. let them be plain. my sister likes this soup so much, she even asked me to cook it again soon. haha. well, i have to think twice about it since i'm not a huge fan of soup. 

i used zuppa soup recipe that i have in one of my cookbook. i modified them a little bit. this is quite simple just like other soup. honestly, i don't love cooking as much as i love baking, but i still like it cause either cooking or baking occupy me in the kitchen and i like love being in the kitchen. despite that fact, i want to master both of them, so i guess i will continue to post frequently for 'Masak Bareng' event. hope i can make it..

Zuppa Toscana

from "Mamammia Hidangan Itali" by Fajar Ayuningsih
serves 4

2 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic
50 gr minced onion
100 gr carrot, diced
1 tbsp all purpose flour
300 ml milk
300 ml cooking cream
100 gr smoked chicken, diced
50 gr frozen peas
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 tsp salt
300 gr frozen puff pastry, thawed
egg yolk for brushing


  1. preheat the oven to 170 degree Celcius. Prepare 4 personal serving bowl.
  2. heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. sautee the onion and garlic until fragrant, add the carrot, stirring until the carrot half cooked.
  3. add flour and stir evenly. pour the milk and cream, stir until the flour completely incorporated. remove from heat.
  4. add in the smoked chicken, peas, pepper, ground nutmeg, and salt. stirring evenly. divide them evenly into each bowl. set aside.
  5. roll the puff pastry into 0.6cm thick. cut them round slightly wider than the diameter of your bowl. put them each on top of the bowl. brush them with egg yolks.
  6. bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until the pastry become golden brown. serve as it.
what happen in my kitchen?
  • i added 100 gr sliced mushroom. sautee them together with the carrot.
  • i used 250ml cooking cream instead of 300ml.
  • i didn't use puff pastry. so i didn't bake the soup too.
  • because i didn't bake the soup, i did sautee the carrot and mushroom until cooked. and brought the soup slightly under boiling point.
hope you can enjoy it too.. thanks for reading, have fun in the kitchen! :)

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  1. Makasih udah ikutan MasBar bulan ini..
    entry-nya udah diterima. tunggu aja round upnya yaaa... :)
