
Monday, February 15, 2010


happy valentine's day and happy chinese new year, readers..
i'm celebrating valentine's day today (Feb 15th) because yesterday my family and me were celebrating CNY. i'm making klappertaart for valentine's day. a bit awkward am i? hahaha. yeah, no chocolate, no heart shaped cookies, no pink garnishes; just klappertaart. i've been planning to bake this Indonesian dessert for so long since i haven't started blogging but i always find excuses for not making this Manado (North Sulawesi) dessert.
until a week ago..

a dear friend of mine whom his mother comes from Manado ask me whether or not i can make klappertaart. it's his favorite, he said. hmm, it's like a silver lining for me to finally make klappertaart. me and him were junior high school friends and we haven't met for a long time until grammy united us. haha. no, not really like we came all the way just to watch grammy together, we just talked about grammy. hoho. then from it on we always like to have a chat just to talk about anything until that klappertaart conversation popped up by itself. you know, i always adore him as my bestfriend and i am dedicating this klappertaart as a valentine's gift for him.

how about my boyfriend? hahaha. he's easy to please with any kind of food. but i guess, he won't like klappertaart. do you know, he's never eaten klappertaart before. and i take a conclusion that he won't like it because he doesn't like coconut, cinnamon, and raisins; they're all in klappertaart! hahaha. seems like i have to make other things for him. but that's okay, at least i won't throw that klappertaart away because i like it. klappertaart is just one of my all time favorite dessert, so proud that it's an Indonesian dessert.

klappertaart is some kind of custard pudding that consists of young coconut flesh and nuts, topped with soft meringue, and garnished with cinnamon powder, raisins, and any kind of nuts. i don't really know how to spell klappertaart, but so far as i know it uses double 'p' and double 'a'. haha. please correct me if i'm wrong..

for the recipe, i got it from Mbak Riana's blog.. as usual, i cut down the recipe half.

please try this dessert, you won't be disappointed. :)

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