
Thursday, August 19, 2010

rainbow steamed cake

i've been curious with this recipe for about one year, it's rainbow steamed cake. i used to love this cake when i was so little and as far as i could remember, this is the first cake my grandma made for me. this past one year, i've tried to make this three times and this is the third. the first one and the second one were fail because of the coconut milk. this time i learn from the past and also use a new recipe. NCC's recipes never fail me so far, so i think it's best to use it as a reference guide.

as i've told you above, the reason why i failed before is because of the coconut milk. according to wikipedia, there are two grades of coconut milk, thick and thin. this cake uses thick coconut milk but i've always used thin coconut milk before and that's why i failed. it's really easy to find coconut milk in indonesia, either homemades or store-bought. we usually make coconut milk by processing the grated coconut (old one) with hot water, i wonder maybe it will be richer if we use whole milk instead of water. i never really liked the taste of store-bought or canned coconut milk since it tastes and smell more like medicine and it's not hard at all to make your own coconut milk.

this rainbow steamed cake's taste is really similar too rainbow chiffon cake. they only differ in texture, as you know chiffon cake is really light and soft while this steamed cake is not that light. what i love most about this cake is because of the colors, though maybe it sounds silly but i always have my appetite turned on rainbow colors cake. do you feel the same?

Rainbow Steamed Cake
modified from NCC's Bolu Kukus Mambo

3 eggs
1 egg yolk
125 gr sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt
90 ml thick coconut milk, cooked
100 gr minus 1 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
pandan paste and strawberry paste

  1. heat up steamer on low heat, cover the lid with towel. grease a small rectangle pan, dust with a little flour and line with parchment paper.
  2. beat eggs, yolk, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt together in a large bowl with electric mixer on low speed until very thick and lemon color.
  3. sift in flour and cornstarch alternating with coconut milk. fold the mixture until evenly incorporated.
  4. divide the batter into third. flavor one of them with pandan paste, another with strawberry paste, and the other one let plain.
  5. pour the first color in pan, steam for 10 minutes. spoon the next color carefully, steam for another 10 minutes. spoon the last color and steam for another 20 minutes.
  6. remove from heat, let cake cool down in the steamer before removing it out. slice and serve.
that's all for today, thanks for reading!
may the rainbow color your day.. :)


  1. Looks unreal. Very different and special. And really, really interesting.-

  2. Mon..Mon...
    ah..lama tak kemari aku dah ketinggalan 2 resep terbarumu... ihiks...
    gara2 inet lemot leyat leyot ni, jd g bisa BW. ihiks..

    rainbow ni sepertinya boleh juga.. masuk list...
    *ntah kapan prakteknya :D hhehe*

  3. @Tengo un horno y sé cómo usarlo: thank you :)

    @mbak deetha: hehe. iya mbak deet, ndak apa2 kok.. hehe. boleh diantriin di list dl kok mbak.. :D

  4. @Indonesia Eats: me too mbak pepy.. :)

  5. halo mbak,salam kenal ya....
    resepnya enak2 nih,fotonya apalagi,cakep...

  6. halo mbak dewi, salam kenal juga yaa.. makasih lho udh mampir..
    hehehe. :D

  7. monic ..... how I read your blog with great joy n pride!!!
    good job done young lady! keep it up!!!!
    this cake... I never thought to make it!! :(
    I'll make it one day with mak's original recipe of course!!! :)

    happy b'day monic... dream your dream ... n make it happen

    luv u

  8. @Ko Giok: Hi Ako.. :) thanks for stopping by and also thank you for your kind words. too bad i never got the recipe from e'mak, i haven't ask her though. hopefully one day i could also try our family's original version of lapis hongkong. :D once again, thank you very much Ako.. love you too and GBU

  9. hi Monica, just found this blog. I am new to baking 'steam cake' i wonder, when u layered your cake three times, how was the bottom layer of the cake? im just scared if its overcooked... thanks...

    1. Hi..
      I am so so so sorry to reply to you this late.
      The bottom of the cake is just fine because you won't steam each layer for too long, they just halfway cooked before you put another layer, the last 10 minutes of steaming make all the layer steamed to perfection. Good luck with it :)
