
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

arancini ai funghi

yihii.. another MasBar task done! this is my second time joining masbar event, this time i really want to commit on masbar. this month's theme is 'rice'. as i am living in a country where most of the people eat rice everyday, i should make this easy. but in the fact, it's not easy for me. i've been planning on making this recipe on last Thursday, but there's always something missing from the ingredients. then i decide to make them today. today, i also have to make a quick run to the nearest supermarket to buy mushrooms. it's all because i woke up late and the mushrooms in the traditional market have already sold.

the recipe itself, is not that complicated to make. quite simple except in the balling part, part when we have to shape the rice batter into cylindrical shapes. it's worth the effort, though. okay, without further ado, i'll give you the recipe..

Arancini ai Funghi
modified from MammaMia Hidangan Itali

50 gr onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
150 gr rice, washed and rinsed clearly
300 ml chicken stock
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp tomato paste
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
1 slice smoked beef, cut thinly
75 gr portabello mushroom, chopped
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp parsley, ground
50 gr mozarella cheese, shredded
2 tbsp all purpose flour
oil for frying


  1. heat olive oil in a medium saucepan, sautee the onion and garlic until fragrant. add in the rice, stock, tomato paste, pepper, and salt. close the lid, stir occasionally so that the rice won't browned. cook until there's no stock left and the rice have cooked.
  2. heat the butter, sautee the smoked beef and mushrooms until half cooked. remove from heat.
  3.  add the sauteed mushrooms into the rice mixture, add in the eggs, parsley, and cheese. stir until completely incorporated.
  4. take 1 tablespoon of rice at a time, shape them each until becoming a cylinder. do it until all the mixture runs out. roll in flour and deep fry them until golden brown. remove from heat and drain.
  5. serve warm.
what happened in my kitchen?
  • i used baby shitake mushroom instead of portabello mushrooms (i like it more with baby shitake than portabello, i just love the shitake's texture in it)
  • i used quick melt cheddar instead of mozarella. i save my money for not buying mozarella ;p
  • i used chopped leek instead of parsley, i know it has different taste, but doesn't mean too much for me. again, i saved my money ;p
guess that's enough for today.. thanks for reading, happy cooking! :)

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  1. haha. thank you riesta, km baik banget sih.. hihi. :D
    lbh suka mknan asin ya drpd manis2? hwhw

  2. Makasih buat entrynya ya, Mon...
    ditunggu aja ntr round upnya...
    oh ya, kalau mau ikutan mencontreng tema masbar bulan 4, dateng aja ya, krumah MasBar :D


  3. sama2.. aku udh vote kok.. hihihi. kutunggu round-up n tema bln dpnnya yaa.. :)

  4. Hai Mon.... (Boleh tak panggil Momon? Hihihihi)
    Wuiiiihhh... resepnya keren nih. Aku suka resep yang model kayak gini, namanya planet tapi gak susah bikinnya. Pingin coba resep ini deh kapan2 buat dibikin bento geto hehehehe. TSF ya non :D

  5. Oya lopa, dapat award dari aku. Ambil yaaaa... :D

  6. iya taa.. hehe. boleh banget kok panggil momon, haha. iya, kutunggu laporannya yah, penasaran jg kalo dijadiin bento kyk gmn.. pasti menarik deh klo km yg bikin.. sama2 ta, thx jg awardnya, tar kuambil :))
