
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

happy belated independence day with red velvet cupcakes

as what i've promised you before. wait for my red velvet cupcakes, this is the red velvet cupcakes. however, i'm not quite happy with the flavor and also the texture, i must have done some wrong again. but according to my research, many many people love red velvet cake. i should try making it again later.

and this is my red velvet shoes. i want to make my cake as cute as the shoes but i just can't, the limitation of time and equipment killed the chance. lol. so i should just feel happy and thankful with those messy cupcakes. i want to present them as an Independence Day gift, which has been late for exactly 2 weeks. so sorry, Indonesia. but at least it still on August and it still looks red and white.

i got this recipe from Sprinkle Bakes, another crazily amazing blog. she gives a lot of inspiration! please check it out.. and for now i think i won't blab too much, i'm not really in the mood of blabbering so i hope you'll just jump out to the recipe and excuse my self for posted such a short post today. at last, HAPPY BELATED INDEPENDENCE DAY INDONESIA, may you grow into a much more better country!

Red Velvet Cupcakes
by Sprinkle Bakes

2.5 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2 cups sugar
1 cup butter
2 eggs
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1.5 tbsp liquid red food coloring
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp cider vinegar


  1. preheat oven to 350 degrees F. grease and lightly flour 2 or 3 round 9" cake pans. (prepare 24 cupcakes liners if you're making cupcakes).
  2. sift flour and salt together, set aside. in the bowl of a standing mixer, combine the butter and sugar. mix until light and fluffy. add the eggs one at a time. mix well after each addition. add the flour mixture to the bowl alternately with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with flour mixture. blend in vanilla.
  3. in a small bowl, mix the 1.5 tbsp red food coloring and 1 tbsp cocoa powder until a paste forms. add to the sugar and butter mixture. mix well. in a small bowl or condiments cup, stir together the baking soda and cider vinegar. this will foam and should be put into the batter immediately after well mixed. after adding the foam mixture, blend on medium-high speed until batter is consistent.
  4. spoons batter evenly into pans (or liners), batter will be very thick! level top of batter with an offset spatula, bake for 25-30 minutes or until cake springs back when pressed in the center. turn out on wire rack and cool completely.
cream cheese frosting

2 - 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup butter, softened
2 tsp vanilla extract
4-5 cups sifted confectioners sugar

  1. in the mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese, butter, and vanilla until smooth. with the mixer on low, gradually pour in the confectioners sugar. increase the speed to high and beat until light and fluffy. if mixture is too thick, add a little milk to loosen it. and if it's too thin, add additional powdered sugar or put in refrigerator to firm up.
i think you should try it at home and see if you are luckier than me. :)
for now, thanks for reading and have a very nice day!


  1. I don't know if they're good or not, but i just loove the color of this cake! I never tried it, i'm eager to thou... If you didn't like the flavour you should make another one with an other recipe, i'm sure it'll be great! You're a nice bake, and i'm sure this one wasn't bad ;)


  2. @Val: yes, that is what i've planned as well, to try another recipe. i hope it will be great as well! thank you Valerie, you really encourage and support me! :)

    Tons of Hugs

  3. Your cupcakes look good and they sound wonderful. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some extra time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you feature here and I'll definitely be back. You've created a really nice spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. @Mary: thank you so much for your visit and kind words Mary! :) you really are too kind.. it feels so nice to know that you enjoy my posts! thanks for the feedbacks and may you also have a very pleasant day! Love, Monica.

  5. Momoooonnn... Maapkan daku baru datang ^^v. Emang rasanya kenapa Mon? Itu warna merahnya dari cider vinegar ya? (Gak ngerti deh aku bahan2 seperti itu :D). Haha, pas belum baca resepnya tak kira dr beet hehe.Btw, walopun telat nasi kuningku dah tayang. Tp aku belum sempat bikin logonya hehe ^^v. Bulan ini Momon ikutan gak? Nanti round up nya bareng2 yg bulan lalu sama bulan ini di blog yaaah :D

  6. @Tabon: tataaa.. iya nggak apa2 lg taa.. aku jg maklum km pasti kmrn sibuk keliling2 dan plg kampung yaa! haha. seneng deh tuh pasti.. warna merahnya dr si pewarna kok Ta bkn dr cuka nya, rasanya asem2 kecut ga enakk! hahaha. aku nggak suka, tp gatau mgkn jgn2 ak yg salah bikin jd rasanya kyk gt. haha.

    bulan ini ak iktan IFP kok, tuh br ajaa ak tayangin ta.. kali ini bikin putu ayu.. :) oke2 taa, nanti km kbrin ak yaa klo udh mau round up!

  7. aduh mba,,,foto2 yang lain keren2 bgt tp yang di post ini kok menyandingkan foto cupcake dengan foto sepatu (yang nampaknya uda pernah dipakai),, membayangkan memakannya jadi jijik rasanya >.< please choose another red stuff to be put next to those lovely cupcakes :)

  8. @Riri: halo Mbak.. :) makasih ya sarannya.. iya waktu itu jg udh ragu2 antara mau pasang foto itu atau engga. tp sebenernya itu 2 foto yg terpisah kok. maaf ya klo udh bikin jijik :D skrg fotonya sudah diganti kok.. thanks for visiting!
