
Monday, November 15, 2010

Cupcakes For Charity

for some of you who doesn't know what has happened to my country, Indonesia, we just experienced some major disasters. first the terrible flood at Wasior, second the sudden tsunami at Mentawai, and the last was the volcano eruption at Yogyakarta. too much tears shed, too much hearts broken. so, with all our sympathy and condolences, KBB presenting a charity event called 'Cupcake for Charity'.

we would like to invite all of Indonesian people to join our hands and help our friends. we sell 6 pieces of cupcakes in one pack for IDR 100.000 (which will be our donation) , unfortunately until now we could only provide delivery services for Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Gresik, Surabaya, Balikpapan, and Pekanbaru.

please, please, please.. lend your hands for them.
cause even the simplest help from us could save their whole future..

here's our contact person to order the cupcakes:

1. Nonon (Jakarta)
2. Lina Hidayat (Jakarta/Cibubur)
3. Ariediah (Jakarta/Tangerang)
4. Jane (Jakarta)
5. Gusni (Jakarta)
6. Sherry (Jakarta)
7. Yuli (Jakarta)
8. Dita M (Jakarta)
9. Mae (Surabaya)
10. Rachmah (Surabaya)
11. Atiek (Bandung)
12. Mira (Bandung)
13. Lukie (Pekanbaru)
14. Amy Riv (Gresik)
15. Lany (Balikpapan)
16. Pipin (Jakarta)

for more information, please visit Klub Berani Baking.


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and their families. ;(

  2. @mbak deetha: halo mbakyu, aku baik2 aja.. lg sibuk uts nih. :( mbak apa kabarnya? msh sibuk nggak? ayo monggo dibeli cupcakes nyaa.. hihihi.

    @ayu: yeah, me too yu.. mudah2an mereka bs cpt seneng lg yaa.. :)

  3. Geratis buat aku ya? Momon yang bayarin deh hehehehe... ^^v

  4. @tabon: waah.. tabon maunya gretongan niih.. patungan aja mau? hahaha.
