
Sunday, October 24, 2010


how are you readers? 
i made this profiteroles last tuesday. do you know what profiteroles is? well it's a choux pastry filled with whipped cream and topped with generous amount of chocolate sauce (or maybe lots of chocolate sauce, if i may). as i grew up here in Indonesia, there are only two familiar and most common ways of serving choux pastry around me; one filled with custard and the other filled with whipped cream. which one do i like most? i prefer the custard but bf prefer the whipped cream one. that's the reason why i made this profiteroles. i should make another type of choux pastry someday, Paris-Brest sounds interesting for me.

this was my first time making profiteroles, but not the first time making choux pastry. i really like making choux pastry especially when it comes out from the oven. they're so cute and puffy! okay, it might sound weird to describe a choux pastry but they really are so cute. lol. i didn't experience trouble making the choux but i did a little mistake with my whipped cream. i should've known to make whipped cream from whipping cream it needs super cool temperature, my fault that i didn't make my bowl and beater cool enough and i live in a tropical country with its hot climate. thus, even though my whipping cream is whipped, it wasn't strong enough to hold its shape and i couldn't pipe it with a star nozzle tip. blame me.

to make the long story short, my profiteroles was again a hit in the house. yay! the choux pastry was the best part of them, the chocolate sauce tasted good, and the whipped cream should be perfect without its little messy shape. are you interested to make some? remember, you can pour or maybe drown them in chocolate sauce..

from 'Easy Desserts'
serves 32 mini choux pastry

choux pastry:
5 tbsp butter, plus extra for greasing
200 ml cold water
100 gr plain flour
3 eggs beaten

cream filling:
300 ml double cream
3 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

chocolate&brandy sauce:
125 gr plain dark chocolate, broken into pieces
2,5 tbsp butter
6 tbsp water
2 tbsp brandy

  1. preheat the oben to 200 degree C/ 400 degree F. grease a large baking sheet with butter.
  2. to make the pastry: place the water and butter in a saucepan and bring to the boil. meanwhile, sift the flour into a bowl. remove the saucepan from the heat and beat in the flour until smooth. cool for 5 minutes.
  3. beat in enough of the eggs to give the mixture a soft, dropping consistency. transfer to a piping bag fitted with a 1-cm or 1/2-inch plain nozzle. pipe small balls onto the baking sheet. bake for 25 minutes. when removed from the oven, pierce each balls with a skewer in order to let steam escape.
  4. to make the filling: whip together the cream, sugar, and vanilla essence. cut the pastry balls almost in half, then fill with cream.
  5. to make the sauce: gently melt the chocolate and butter with the water in a small saucepan, stirring until smooth. stir in the brandy.
  6. to assemble: pile the profiteroles into individual serving dishes or into a pyramid on a raised cake stand. pour over the sauce and serve.
what happened in my kitchen?
  • choux pastry: i added 1/4 tsp salt into the batter to bring out more flavor from the cream and chocolate.
  • cream filling: i added another 1/2 tsp vanilla essence into the mixture.
  • chocolate sauce: i substituted brandy with baileys and added 1 tbsp sugar.
that's all for today! hope you like it..
thanks for reading and have a nice day.. :)


  1. MOn..Mon....
    aku datang setelah sekian lama tenggelam kebanyakan maen game.. ahahahaha

    ah Mon, maakanmu kok bikin ngiler smua... huhuhuhu
    tak sanggup aku kalo hanya memandang fotonya aja, kirim2 donk icip2nya.. hahahaha

  2. oh la là. They look gorgeous. This is one of those traditional pastry I never get tired of. And yours look so pretty, and puffy!

  3. Kalo yang beginian aku malah suka choux pastry-nya dowank Mon, hehehe. Setiap dapet jajanan beginian, pasti deh fillingnya daku ilangin :D. Aku suka kalo isinya sayur2an dan daging, aku kan orangnya meat-y, gak suka yang terlalu manis2 :D

  4. @mbak deetha: hai hai mbak! :) waah, lg main game apa mbak? aku mau ikutan main game jg donk (padahal tugas2 kuliah numpuk, haha). kmrn aku sempet ketagihan main baking life nya facebook tuh mbak.. hehe. wee, kalo dikirim ke semarang bisa2 sampe di sana udah nggak berbentuk mbak.. :( mbak ke jakarta aja yuukk..

  5. @tengo un horno y se como usarlo: muchas gracias! i agree with you, choux pastry is so classic and never gets old..

  6. @tabon: haalooo bu dosen.. hehe. lg break yah ta? aku baru mau berangkat kuliah nih.. huhu. wah kalo yg isinya ragout gt yg ada sayur ma dagingnya sih aku juga lebiiiih doyan lagi ta! enaknya banget2 keterlaluan. hihi. ah, jd kepengen bikin yg fillingnya asin kan nih..
