
Saturday, May 8, 2010

kimbap (korean style sushi)

tee-hee, my exams have all done! and today i made Kimbap (Korean Style Sushi) and i guess i'll talk a little longer today..

before the exams i had some moments to watch Korean mini series called My Fair Lady and i don't know why but all Korean movies can make me crave for the food they're eating or showing on the show. i browsed quite a lot about korean food lately, starting from teobokki, beebimbap, bulgogi, etc etc, and so on and so forth.. haha. hey it's really nice to see them plus they're actually simple.. i am interested in making teobokki, beebimbap, bulgogi, but ended up on this kimbap since it was the simplest one.

making this kimbap is not hard, just prepare wide nori sheets, crabstick, chikuwa, or whatever ingredients available in your house, thinly sliced cucumber and carrots, one thing left: egg. the recipe itself i got from Korean-Cuisine, there are more than lots of korean food to look at. i modified this recipe a little, bf told me so, as the result of that i add some black pepper soft-shell crab and cashew (those were available in my house's dining table), can you guess which one is the black pepper, cashew, crabstick, chikuwa, or even the mix up? hehe. for the recipe and how to make them i simply just follow the original recipe. please take a look at it.. :)

i am really satisfied with this kimbap. what i quite regret was that daddy are going out of town and took our dslr with him, so i was left with little sony dsc which was pretty cool though (it has gourmet mode, by the way). i used it to take pictures of kimbap today, is it better or no? i know that i'm still lacking my food photography skill, but i really wish i could be better everytime i take another new pictures. hehe.

well, i guess enough for the talk today.. see you later readers! thanks for reading..
Good Day! :D

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  1. Aku belom pernah bikin Mon.... pengeeeen... kedengerannya simpel banget yak? Futunya tetep bagus kok Mon meski tanpa kakanda DSLR hehehe :D

  2. iya ta, simple deh.. kmrn itu ak sempet cari2 resep korea jg di blogmu lohh, tp ga ada si kimbap inii.. huhu. coba ta bikin jugaa, btw thanks yah taa.. :D
