
Sunday, April 18, 2010

chocolate ice-cream pancakes

few weeks ago, there's one recipe spread in KBB mailing list, it was this pancake.. this pancake recipe was taken from Alton-Brown Instant Pancake Mix recipe. modified by some of the KBB members, the original recipe makes a lot of pancake which my family won't be able to eat them out in one day. so i made very small amount of this pancake, it still could feed 3 regular-hunger stomach, i guess. hehe. 

remember my last post about apple and cream cheese cake? i said i have no ice-cream in my fridge. yesterday, mom bought 4 litres Haagen Dazs. who can't resist Haagen Dazs?! coincidentally it can topped my pancake also.. mom bought 3 flavors of ice-cream, the one i chose is the chocolate chocolate-chip ice-cream. more to go, i added grated dark-chocolate and chocolate syrup. so today's breakfast menu is pancakes topped with 1 scoop of chocolate ice cream, grated dark-chocolate and chocolate syrup. extremely chocolate..

about the pancakes themselves, i don't know whether i made them in the right texture or not, all i know that this is one delicious pancakes recipe. i ever made pancake before but it was not as delicious as this. i think you should try this yourselves and prove their deliciousness. hihi.

Alton-Brown Instant Pancake Mix
modified from
makes 3 servings

dry ingredients:
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp salt
1/3 tbsp sugar

liquid ingredients:
1 egg, separated
1 cups buttermilk
2 tbsp melted butter
1/2 stick butter, for greasing the pan

  1. whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk in a small bowl.
  2. in another bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the melted butter.
  3. combine the buttermilk mixture with the egg yolks mixture in a large mixing bowl and whisk together until thoroughly combined.
  4. pour the liquid ingredients on top of dry ingredients using a whisk, mix the batter just enough to bring it together. don't try to work all the lumps out.
  5. heat the frying pan to 350deg F. check to see the pan is hot by placing a few drops of water onto the pan. the pan is ready if the water dances across the surface.
  6. lightly butter the griddle. wipe off thoroughly with a paper towel (no butter should be visible, otherwise your pancake will be scorched).
  7. gently ladle the pancake batter onto the pan. when bubbles begin to set around the edges of the pancake and the pan side of the cake is golden, gently flip the pancakes. continue to cook 2 to 3 minuter or until the pancake is set.
  8. serve immediately or remove to a towel lined baking sheet and cover with a towel. hold in warm place for 20 to 30 minutes.
what happened in my kitchen?
  • the recipe calls for buttermilk, i didn't have any buttermilk. buttermilk is quite rare in the country i live. i know i could make it, but substituting it with drinking yoghurt is a good idea too. drinking yoghurt has milk-like consistency and tangy taste like buttermilk. so it's fine to substitute them.
okay, enough with my post today.. i'm saying goodbye for now.
thanks for reading people, HAPPY SUNDAY! :)

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  1. Finally... you got the ice cream topping! Hehehe. Mon, I've tried to make pancake twice, but every trial was a disaster hehehe... **. Mengepe ya Mon? :D

  2. haha. iya taa, finally! hehe. ttg pancakes nya, ak dah email ke km yaa.. moga2 membantu.. :)
